
Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance is maintenance paid by a former spouse, to the other former spouse, in respect of that spouse only. It is separate and distinguishable from child maintenance, which may also be paid in addition to spousal maintenance where there are minor or dependent children.

Interim maintenance during divorce proceedings:

During divorce proceedings, either party can bring a Rule 43 application seeking inter alia spousal maintenance.

Spousal maintenance in the divorce order:

In the divorce order, a court may order one party to pay maintenance to the other either for a specified period of time (rehabilitative maintenance) or for an indeterminate period of time (until such person’s death or remarriage).

Rehabilitative maintenance is maintenance which operates for a limited and specified period of time, and is intended to assist the person receiving same towards becoming financially independent of their former spouse. Once the period specified in the order comes to an end, no further maintenance can be claimed.

Factors a court will consider when awarding maintenance:

  1. The existing and prospective means of each party (available assets and any other options available to produce an income).
  2. The earning capacities of each party.
  3. The financial needs and obligations of each party (and which of these are luxurious instead of being reasonable and/or necessary).
  4. The parties’ ages (and how this affects their prospective earning capacity).
  5. The duration of the marriage (the longer the marriage the greater the obligation to pay maintenance and the greater the entitlement to a higher amount).
  6. The standard of living enjoyed by the parties prior to the divorce.
  7. The conduct of either party leading up to the divorce where this is relevant to the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage.
  8. Any transfer of assets to be made in terms of a redistribution order (applicable only to marriages out of community of property concluded prior to 1 November 1984).
  9. Any other factor which the court, in its opinion, believes should be considered.

Recommendations for orders for maintenance:

  1. Any maintenance in terms of the divorce order should provide for either a specified percentage increase, or increase according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) annually on the date of the divorce
  2. If you wish to preserve your right to be able to claim maintenance against your former spouse at a later stage, but do not strictly require any such maintenance now, then it is important and usual to include in the divorce order an order for maintenance of R1.00 per month without an annual increase. This allows you to approach a maintenance court in future.
  3. Where spousal maintenance is the only remaining issue in dispute in divorce proceedings, or is particularly contentious and a hindrance to the settlement of the matter, it is usually more cost-effective, rather than running a full trial to decide on this issue alone, to agree in the settlement agreement to preserve your rights to claim spousal maintenance. After the divorce you can then approach the nearest maintenance court for a maintenance order.

What should I prepare or bring with me for my attorney?

  1. Original identity document and/or copies of your identity document.
  2. Schedule of your monthly income and expenditure. Kindly follow the link here to be taken to our online income and expenditure form.
  3. Documentary proof of all income received by you from any source, and of your expenditure. In particular, you should bring with you bank statements for all accounts which you hold or have control over for the last 6-12 months.
  4. Schedule of your assets and liabilities reflecting the current values of these.
  5. Documentary proof of the value of your assets and of the amounts outstanding for each of your liabilities.
  6. Any evidence you may have of your spouse’s or ex-spouse’s income and expenditure and his/her assets and liabilities.

How can we help?

Finding ways to achieve a fair and equitable resolution without the need for litigation, is always our priority. Accordingly, should you and your spouse be open to making use of a collaborative law model, our experienced and trained staff will be able to represent you in such proceedings, on the understanding that, if the process fails and litigation ensues, we will not be in a position to proceed as your representative.

For direct answers to your specific personal questions, please contact us directly.

Spousal Maintenance is different from child maintenance in that it is paid by one spouse to the other spouse following a divorce. It is a general principle of law that neither spouse has a right to spousal maintenance upon divorce.  However, the Divorce Act, 70 of 1979 provides the Court with the discretionary power to make an award should it be necessary.

One of the basic principles of marriage is the reciprocal duty of support. The duty rests on both spouses according to their respective means. Spousal maintenance refers to a claim for financial support during, or after the dissolution of marriage.

The Divorce Act makes provision for a spouse to claim maintenance upon divorce in two circumstances, namely, by consent and/or by court Order. Without a written agreement between the spouses that was agreed upon before the divorce, the Divorce Act comes into effect and the Court will use its discretion when deciding on whether one spouse should pay maintenance to the other spouse.

Spousal Maintenance by Consent

Section 7(1) of the Divorce Act makes provision for circumstances wherein payment of maintenance may be reached through the consent of both spouses. Therefore, the Court may, in accordance with the written Settlement Agreement (consent paper) entered into between the spouses during the subsistence of the marriage, grant a decree of divorce incorporating the written settlement agreement wherein it is ordered that one spouse will pay maintenance to the other.

Spousal Maintenance by way of Court Order

In the absence of a written settlement agreement between the spouses, the Court in exercising its discretion may make an order which it deems just and equitable in respect of payment of maintenance. The court will take into account when determining whether a spouse will be entitled to spousal maintenance the following:

Should the court decide to award maintenance to a spouse, these factors mentioned above will determine the amount of that maintenance. The purpose of an inquiry is to determine what award would be fair. In order to determine what is fair, the court has to consider whether maintenance is to be paid at all, and if so, what the amount should be as well as the period for which maintenance would be payable.

For direct answers to your specific personal questions, please contact us directly.

Read more about our divorce services.

Author – Kate Bailey – Hill

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