

Child and spousal maintenance obligations do not cease during any stage of the lockdown period, and any existing divorce or maintenance order can still be enforced during this time.

Only if there has been a material change in your financial circumstances, such as you having now lost your job, can you apply to the Court for a reduction of maintenance, and the onus is on you to bring this application and inform the other person of this reduction before this can take effect.

We can assist you with enforcing or reducing maintenance orders, as these involve specific technical requirements to be set out and any calculations of maintenance need to be done correctly according to the specific formula used by the Courts.

We can also assist you with reaching an amicable arrangement on a temporary reduction of maintenance. Remember that both sides are likely to be experiencing financial hardship at this time, particularly where child maintenance is involved, and so an amicable approach first to what may be reasonably possible to pay may be best.

Author: Murray Taylor

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